Weather Station Status

Station system up for 23 Days 18 Hours 4 Minutes 20 Seconds
Station system free memory 6.52GB
This website uses Weather-Display (10.37S-(b150)) for weather conditions reporting.
It was last started 9:32:32 PM 11/24/2024.

Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
Tue, 10-Dec-2024 3:28pm PST
Weather-Display realtime Current 0:00:02 Tue, 10-Dec-2024 3:28pm PST
Weather-Display FTP NOT Current 0:08:06 > 0:05:15
Tue, 10-Dec-2024 3:20pm PST
Weather-Display weather data NOT Current 0:08:29 > 0:05:15
Tue, 10-Dec-2024 3:20pm PST
Weather-Display NOAA report Current 15:17:06 Tue, 10-Dec-2024 12:11am PST
Weather-Display Month report Current 15:17:11 Tue, 10-Dec-2024 12:11am PST

NEXRAD Radar KNKX status: Active [last data 0:00:45 h:m:s ago]
as of Tue, 10-Dec-2024 3:27pm PST

NWS WSR-88D Transmit/Receive Status

GRLevel3 Radar FTP Current 0:02:57 Tue, 10-Dec-2024 3:25pm PST
WXSIM forecast Current 4:28:29 Tue, 10-Dec-2024 11:00am PST